our Story
Hey guy’s, the mad scientist here. as the product developer and founder of the Original Geared Up Nutrition, I’ve put most of my life’s endeavors on hold due to my extreme infatuation with this exciting and always evolving industry.
I started this “Science Project” 27 years ago while in college. Since then, the performance enhancement industry has become so saturated with trendy fly-by-night companies claiming to be the Next Best. We all know how complex and confusing it’s become.
My commitment to developing the highest-quality, result-producing products has allowed us to continue to grow our brand. Starting off as a consumer and remaining one to this day has allowed me to take a more realistic approach to what compounds and most importantly what dosages go into our custom formulations.
Our #1 objective is to develop hardcore, custom Formulations from the purest and most potent state-of-the-art ingredients available. Basically, OUR SHIT IS GONNA WORK!!! As each and every product is precisely developed and released to market, positive customer feedback is the driving force in continuing to the production of each product. As long as our formulations continue to evolve and perform at their Best…
You will always perform at your Best.